Saturday, December 31, 2005

Introducing the 2005 Intense Christmas Sweaters!

Stopped at the South Bay Galleria and found two sweaters covered in beads and embroidery. Then my daughter found one she insisted I get for its novelty value. The one with the tree covering the entire side is the one she picked.

It's been pouring rain today and the drive from my family's place back to my daughter's place was a bit more stressful than I like, but we're all home safe and warm now.

I want to say hi to a new friend that I hear has read my blog and answer a few questions she had.

Not married - I've been living with my boyfriend for almost 15 years. Tried being married once - that didn't work out so well. Would I do it again, sure. He has to ask though *smile*

I work full time outside the home. Right now I'm doing "vendor management" for a large high tech company. The vendors are mostly technical consultant suppliers.

I'm 48.5 years old.

What's my worldview. Good question. Politically I'm more libertarian than Republican but that doesn't really fit either. I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I'd like to see less government where it doesn't belong and more of it where it can do the most good. As a life long reader of Science Fiction I have read about thousands of possible futures. I don't think we're headed for dystopia a la Philip K. Dick but I don't think we're headed towards a Star Trek future either, unfortunately.

As it's New Year's Eve I'll hope that 2006 is supremely better than 2005 was for all of us. If I brought anyone a smile last year then it was a good year. I hope to keep bringing smiles next year as well.



Anonymous said...

She has a good eye for sweaters. ;^)

Happy New Year!

emeraldcite said...

I love sweaters. I have at least a hundred. Then I moved to Florida. Now I only get to wear them three days of the year. Maybe four.

Ray Wong said...

My sweaters are so boring compared to yours.

Frank Baron said...

Beauty sweaters Dawno.

And you brought several smiles in 2005.

Thanks. :)

uniquematerial said...

Dawno, you know the one with the tree would look better on me.
