Fact is Stranger than Pokemon. (via BoingBoing)
Spreading the truth. (via Making Light's Particles)
I know what to get my daughter for her birthday!! (also thanks to BoingBoing)
Tonight was rainy and COLD. The weather here is totally psychotic. I haven't put away all of my winter sweaters yet - maybe by June? Gasoline is up to $3.55 at the corner gas station. I am so glad I live less than 10 miles from work. I'd take the light rail but it takes me over an hour to get to the office vs. a 15 minute commute (and that's door to desk).
I now offically have "way too many books" on my 'to read list'. I need Amazon Anonymous. If it doesn't exist, I'll start it. Hmm, have to add Borders Anon. and Science Fiction Book Club Anon. too. Let's not get started on my Levenger problem. If you meet my daughter please don't ask her about me and Brighton, either.
Dawno trivia: what is Dawno's favorite drink? Hint: She's so addicted to it that she spent $50 at the grocery today and only bought that drink (I cleaned the shelf - probably have a 2 week supply now). No, it's not Laphroaig 10 yr. old single malt Scotch. It's non-alcoholic, 0 carbs, 0 calories, has anti-oxidant properties and ginseng included in the ingredients.
Post your guess in comments. I'll give up the answer in a day or so. First one to guess correctly gets a custom Haku Pome written just for them. Or just comment - I need the distraction to keep me from ordering another book.

ginseng, huh? That eliminates V-8.
I know! :D
Every time I see it on sale in those half gallon jugs I think of you. I won't give it away, though. Let someone else have that fun.
hi linkmeister! Thanks for stopping by. I like V-8, but no, it's not *the* drink.
((cookie!!!)) I bought 6 - one gallon jugs and 32 cans (they're only 99 cents each - and the bottles have 20 oz. vs the can's 23.5 oz. and the bottles cost around $1.50. Such a deal!
Is it one of those flavored ice tea drinks?
I wish I loved something that was non alcoholic and non-caloric that much. I'd clean out the shelves too.
And I love "Amazon Anonymous." I can totally relate!
crabby - you are sooooooooo close.
susan, you look a teensy bit like comment spam...it's disappointing, but maybe I'm wrong? Tell us a bit about yourself!
I saw those cans at Raleys this morning. :D Longs has the jugs on sale. I'm assuming you know that. Today, Saturday, is the last day, though. *huggles*
I don't have a Raley's near-by. Nob Hill was where I shopped. Longs is always out by the time I get there.
No winners yet - I may have to just write that HAKU as a hint...
Well... Raleys does own Nob Hill. Really? My Longs had a ton left this morning. I guess we're not as cool as you are. Oh, wait... I knew that.
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