Well, I've remedied that dire and unwelcome lapse in my education - the Amazon order should arrive this week with the Complete Novels of Charlotte and Emily Brontë (a HUGE volume of over 1k pages) and Anne's novel The Tenant of Wildfell Hall as well as the Oxford Companion to the Brontës.
I'm having one of those moments where I just wonder if I should go back and get my Masters in Literature just for the heck of it. I wonder if my credits from the post grad classes I took 20 years ago are still acceptable.
By the way, if you like me, please don't tell me about any more wonderful, must read, you don't know what you're missing, writers from the 18th and 19th century for a while. I have quite enough to read now as it is.

Back when I was young, handsome, smart and well-read, I read alot of the Bronte sisters' poetry. Now that I'm old, homely, dumb and read cereal boxes, I honestly can't recall if they all wrote it, or just Emily and Charlotte.
Anyway, some of them were pretty darn good poems. And MY shameful confession (one of 'em) is that I'd always considered the novels to be girly jobbies and not something a guy would want to read - so I didn't even try.
Tell ya what, handsome and witty and sharp as a tack, Frank, I'll read them and let you know which one has the most fishing in it so you can read it as penance.
Okay, if it's true confession time--I know I have read at least one, if not more than one Bronte sister novel in college. I even recall it being a pleasant experience and it made me feel real smart at the time. But I can't remember (a) which Bronte (b) which novel or (c) anything else about what I might have read. I feel like I should already have "credit" for reading them, and even though I might totally enjoy doing it again, somehow I shouldn't have to.
But despite my obvious ignorance I remain steadfast in my conviction that the Bronte sisters are awesome and everyone else should read them.
I wonder what other confessions I can wrangle out of people with my posts. It's a good thing I'm not evil. :-)
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