Anyway, I was glad that Thommalyn from Tennessee Text Wrestling dropped by and gave me something to blog about. She thought I was worthy of one of these:

I usually get fodder for my posts either from random thoughts that pop into my head, or from wandering around the 'net. If I post something thoughtful, it's almost always because another blog made me stop and really ponder.
There are a lot of blogs that set off the pondering - you know I talk about Making Light here quite frequently. The posts there are very thought provoking, and the conversations in the comments range from the most perceptive things you could read anywhere on the web to some of the wittiest banter around.
That said, I'm not sure the hosts of Making Light would participate in a meme like this, and perhaps it's more appropriate to link to more lightly trafficked blogs out here at this end of the blogosphere, and hope they get some new readers as a result. I'm still putting Making Light up as one of my Thinking Blogs, anyway.
Here are the rules for the Thinking Blogger award:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
Here are my choices linked to especially thought provoking posts:
1. Making Light
2. Stones in the Field
3. Remaindered Random Musings
4. Standing Rule
5. j m mcdermott's blog
Of course I could link to hundreds (literally) more - the AW Bloggers as a group are always interesting. Makes sense, they're writers!
Thank you Thommalyn, and also Ilker, for coming up with the concept (and cool badge).
I certainly think of your blog as one that makes me think.
Even if a post may have been inspired by someone else's musings, you always go off in an interesting direction. (Like the last one, for example, on web communities).
Some of these you mention are new to me and I'll have to check them out!
About Making Light's blog... the conversations in the comments range from the most perceptive things you could read anywhere on the web to some of the wittiest banter around
Except when trolls come in from Star Trek's Evil Universe.
Congrats, Dawno! Well-deserved, imo.
And I's shore pleased dat youd puts my blog in dat dere list, Dawno.
I guess I better post something thoughtful...
Congrats, Thinking Blogger! :)
And yes, I love Making Light -- it's one of my favorite blogs out there.
I try not to think while I'm visiting is complicated enough as it is.
Congrats Dawno and thanks! I'd never really considered whether I make people think but I do believe you're right. I recall watching a friend read my blog and sure enough, what with the squinting and lip moving it sure looked like he was thinking. Or something very close to thinking. Drool would have cinched it. But maybe not. Maybe it would mean he'd dozed off. Dozing and thinking are pretty different things. I think. Pretty sure.
Anyway, thanks!
Thank you, Dawno. :) I'll try to think of something, ummmm, thoughtful and get it posted.
I do have to agree with your friend's good taste, though. This is one of my daily stops, in a select few blogs I just never miss.
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