Saturday, May 27, 2006

Uh, That post title looked really familiar...

hosting for cash - Free hosting mp3

Why is this person re-posting my blog post? How do I get him/her to stop it?


Anonymous said...

That stinks, Dawno. At least he gave you credit, though. *sigh* There was a thread on this very thing in the Blogging forum. I think DigitalMedievalist had some good ideas...

Anonymous said...

Dawno, I'm not sure which post of yours that site copied. First thing I would do is link to your own permanent link post that was copied on your site along with a permanent link to the post on the other site. That way, it's easy for the rest of us to see what's going on.

The other thing is that you can politely request that they remove your post if you don't want it there. If they refuse, you can cite copyright violations - it's your written work that was copied and they can't copy it in whole or in part except for the exceptions under copyright law. If they do nothing, then find out who their domain host is and complain to them, providing permanent links to your post on your site and your post on their site. The domain host will likely either order them to remove the post or will shut their site down.

If you need help in finding out who their domain host is, let me know & I'll give you a hand.

Anonymous said...

Oh, pardon me, I see which one now. *hangs head in shame* Still, I would provide permalinks for everyone else to see.

Good luck.

Oh, and I forgot to add - they can't copy it without your permission. If you give permission, then they can copy your post, of course...

And then I just realized you were talking about a post title, not the entire post... Ugh. That changes things. It's not the entire post, just the title and a portion thereof. I don't know what the limitations are in US copyright law - it may be enough for you to have a legal leg to stand on, or it might not. I would still start with politely asking and escalate if nothing ever happens.

It seems obvious to me that that blog is doing nothing more than writing meaningless unrelated pieces of whatever may be popular at that moment in time to drive traffic to the site in order to ram a profit. Is there a word for them? ScumBloggers? BlogScummers? Eh.

ohdawno said...

Laurie, He's copied the first few lines onto his site verbatim, not just the title. But he put a link under the title that leads to his site, included the Barbara Bauer's egregious in my eyes. Down at the bottom of the post is a "originally posted in..." with the blog title and a link back to me. I wonder if that's sufficient get away with it, it's an extract and it's got a linkback. *sigh*

What scum.

There is no way on the site to leave a comment. How do I uncover the domain host?

Anonymous said...

Start here:

Anonymous said...

Dawno, since I've been meaning to post on this topic for a while and just hadn't gotten around to doing it, I used your situation as an example. The entry is here. I found contact information that might prove to be useful, plus I have links to other sites that provide solid information in how to deal with this sort of thing.

Good luck.

If you prefer that I not link to you or provide any identifying information about you, please let me know and I'll delete it from the entry.

Peggy K said...

Since s/he is scraping content to get people to click on the Google ads, why not report him to Google? Click the little "Ads by Goooooogle" link under the ads, then click the link "Send Google Your Thoughts on the Ads You Just Saw".

If the ads are removed, the blog probably will be too.

ohdawno said...

ok. I looked up the site and the server is at WebsiteWelcome. I wrote an email to their abuse@ addy. We'll see what happens.

Laurie, I don't mind you linking to my blog at all and you can't possibly give out more info. on me than I pretty freely make available here :-)


Peggy, good idea - will look into it!

Tish Grier said...

This has been happening to me, too, Dawn. One person I reported to Google AdSense, but the other person seems to just be posting instructional WordPress blogs in different formats. And I can't find anything either! Someone also came in from a company and scraped the heck out of my blog...and I don't know what to do about that either! I'm seriously annoyed!