Cookie and I used to be active on a forum that Wil Wheaton had attached to his blog, the WWdN (WilWheatondotNet) Soapbox. The WWdN Soapbox is defunct now but some of us munkehs still keep in touch.
Speaking of WWdN, I took a peek at what he's got posted and saw that he'd made some comments about the Oscars show. Yay! someone who disliked the montages as much as I did! It's nice to have one's opinion supported, isn't it :-)
I fucking hated it that they kept cutting winners short when they tried to give speeches, so they could do yet another stupid montage about how great movies are. Yeah, we know movies are great. If we didn't think movies were great, we wouldn't be watching. Most of these people get this chance once in their lives; give them the respect they've earned and more than 40 seconds to enjoy and share it, jerks. (That's a different group of jerks than the jerks I was referring to in my first paragraph. You know who you are . . . jerks.)
Thanks to a prowl over at Technorati, I saw that my little Oscars meme has been picked up on a Live Journal blog as well as Jen.nifer's. Thanks nemo_gravis and Jennifer!
Oh, I wrote to the folks to whom I submitted a little 'how to' article a month back - they said I'd know if they were going to accept my article by the end of this month. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Remember me kvetching about my memory? - Key to Strong Memory in Old Age: Just Believe Now if I could only remember to believe in my memory...
Just got this in an email today:
The unfortunate thing is that the news I read is about how the U.N. doesn't seem to be doing much beyond lipservice to the cause - and the whole thing wasn't all that newsworthy - just a few articles came up in my search. Regardless, for all the women who stop by, and all the men who stand beside us, and all the heroic feminists past, thank you.
International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. It is an occasion for looking back on past struggles and accomplishments, and more importantly, for looking ahead to the untapped potential and opportunities that await future generations of women.In 1975, during International Women's Year, the United Nations began celebrating International Women's Day on 8 March. Two years later, in December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. In adopting its resolution, the General Assembly recognized the role of women in peace efforts and development and urged an end to discrimination and an increase of support for women's full and equal participation.
Oh, I just added a new thingamabob to the sidebar. Check out the International Earth-Destruction Advisory Board site, it's a hoot.
Dawno, Wil Wheaton, memory loss, International Women's Day, feminist, International Earth Destruction Advisory Board
Your new banner looks very green and Irish. :)
I agree with your friend. I hate the Oscar Show. I feel it is yet another tool where overrated actors have another plattform to prostitute themsleves shamelessly in self flattering.
There is a day for everything. Soon there wont be enough days in a year to dedicate to someone or something.
As long as there are still days left I would like to see a day for the "Middleaged-still happily married-hard working-law abiding-streight guy."
Because this is a truly endangered species in need of preservation.
Othmar Vohringer aka huntwriter
Wil who? o.0
I had a friend who got some pills to take to improve her memory. I asked if they were working and she said she couldn't remember to take them.
* huggles *
Othmar - you're a real dear. Thanks for dropping by. When you get your day I'll celebrate with you.
Cookie - some day you need to email me the story behind your "Wil who?" I think I missed something...
So far I can remember to take my pills.
I like the new banner. I'm still not crazy about the lime green background, but I like the banner a lot.
The best part of the Oscars were the film clips of Heath Ledger channeling Festus from the old Gunsmoke series. Those clips convinced me that Brokeback Mountain was nominated for its subject matter - which just isn't enough to earn a film the top Oscar.
Bring back Billy Crystal.
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