Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm Over Half Way Owned by My Blog...

From a quiz I saw posted on LiveJournal:

56.25 %

My weblog owns 56.25 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?

Yeah, normally I wouldn't put this here - but it's a cute quiz. And somedays I do feel more than half owned by my blog(s). Especially when I get into a real 'tweak the template' mode.

I'll post something longer soon - I've been having thoughts!



Frank Baron said...

You need help Dawno. I'm only 12.25% owned by my blog.

However, I'm 91.7% owned by my fishing tackle.

ohdawno said...

I'm 100% owned by my cat. He's very jealous of the time I spend on-line.

Mark Pettus said...


And I thought I spent too much time blogging...

I'll bet your cat walks on your keyboard sometimes.

ohdawno said...

When we were sitting the grandkitties one of them constantly walked on my keyboard as I was trying to use it. The ol' furball who lives here full time doesn't. But he likes to sleep on the SO's head.

Anonymous said...


Good. I was afraid it would be more. and if it were higher, I think my wife would kill me. :D

Dama Negra said...

Lol, my weblog doesn't own me but Internet does own me. In fact, I should not even be here now :P

ohdawno said...

Anyone else here visiting while AW is down and suffering withdrawl? *yikes*

d.t., my SO spends as much time online as I do so we're a very compatible couple.

Dama, welcome! I'm really glad to see you visiting. Now, go back to what ever you're supposed to be doing instead of reading blogs! ;-)

Anonymous said...

My wife spends lots of time online as well, but she is only 12.5% owned by her blog.

good thing this wasn't a "Does gaming own you" because I'd fear I'd be into four digit percentages. :D