Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Random Thing #3

I have now soaked 2 cell phones. One got washed, and the other fell in the toilet (today). Thank goodness my husband's pre-iPhone was a Razr (which my phone was) and I could just re-charge and swap in the sim card (which got through the 2nd soaking just fine).

Of course all the 'stored in phone' stuff is gone, again. I may not replace for a while, since the hubby's old Razr is just fine, and when I do, it's probably for an iPhone.

Lesson learned? Do not keep cell phone in back pocket if pocket is not deep and if it is made of slippery material.

I decided to find and follow more handcrafty people on Twitter today. Several are following back, which is very kind of them.

Speaking of Twitterers who follow me, I heard about a Twitterer called 'Dipnote*' which is actually Tweets from the office of the Sec't of State and added them to my follow list - interesting little updates and links to articles and press releases about what Sec't. Clinton is doing. Imagine my surprise when I got a notice in my email that Dipnote is following me! I wonder if anyone in the State Department is interested in a nice jewelry lanyard...

*'Dipnote' refers to a Diplomatic Note, a formal communication between an ambassador and a minister of foreign government (from a dipnote tweet reply earlier today).

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