Saturday, April 22, 2006

Thank You for Visiting via Your Typo

Yep, I get a number of hits (albeit most are very brief) from folks who are (I guess) Googling for some kind of video - prank, funny, uh, 'mature'...but they type 'vides' instead of videos or video and find me. (btw, if I'm the last one around here to know what "vides" really means - please be kind and clue me in - I'd hate to find out I was using a word in my blog title that has negative connotations.)

Speaking of Google - I now have Google Calendar - it's pretty cool. I've imported my work calendar (will have to do that weekly I guess) and I could even set it up to send and accept 'invitations,' like the one I have at work, for meetings or events.

I swiped my SO's Bose iPod speaker/dock yesterday while I was working from home. It's nice to have music in an otherwise quiet room.

I worked from home yesterday because the President visited my place of employment. He and the Governator. The meeting was videocast live, so I watched it. I would have liked to have been there in person but I didn't rate an invitation. Yet another reason to stop voting Republican...

Lets see - I'll be adding a couple new blogs to the blog roll - until I do, please visit XNavigatorX's blog and tell him Dawno sent you. He's a nice guy, you'll like his blog.

I also had a new visitor to the Blogging forum I moderate - obitwriter. His site is a hoot. I'm gonna think about writing my obit and submitting. If he lists himself as an AW Blogger he'll get on the blog roll, otherwise I'm thinking about linking to his blog at another spot on the sidebar - he certainly gets a spot in the Technorati Faves.

Speaking of which, anyone checked out the Technorati Faves scroll box in my sidebar? Watcha think? If you have your own it's easy to add me, just click the button above the scroll box. I wish I could just have it on my Google Sidebar so I don't have to remember to open my blog to see what's new with my favorite blogs.

I checked a couple of 'ranking' sites recently. I've got a Technorati ranking of 50,396. Alexa: 2,909,192 . My Blogshares valuation is $5,067.97. Does this mean anything? Not to me, it's just fun.

Hmm. What else to babble about? Oh, I'm looking for a couple people who might be interested in doing reviews of POD books for POD People. I'm giving veinglory a hand with the project, so you're interested, email me - there's a spot over on the sidebar (under the Favs and My Bloglog button) with my addy - and I'll see that you get a book to read and review.

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T. M. Hunter said...

Darn, my blogshares value is only around $2500...

I don't have a clue what it means either...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Dawno. I can't wait for your obituary!

ohdawno said...

Aston, dear, don't worry. The extragalactic exchange rate isn't good now anyway. *smooch*

Thanks! for a minute there I was wondering if you were someone who was hoping I'd die...LOL!!

Hope you keep coming back to the forum, you've got a really fun blog and I bet you'd be a lot of help to our newbies.

Tish Grier said...

congrats on your Technorati rank, Dawn! you're now one of the "Magic Middle"...according to the last State of the Blogosphere report, we in the "Magic Middle" are the ones that are keeping this thing going. To heck with the A-listers!

oh, and blogshars? really dumb. doesn't mean anything. some born again guy, I think, holds all my shares to my personal blog. Kinda weird, eh??

ohdawno said...

Magic Middle? wow! I wish I had one for real, I'd wizard away about 10 inches on my waist and hips...

A born again guy holds the shares on your site. I love it!