Book sculptures
Looking for a new toaster?
The power of a good story - $142.50 paid for a pack of 44 Pokemon cards on eBay
I'm thinking this should be printed, laminated and stuck on the fridge next to another chart that says when you should throw out that pound of frozen hamburger and that last Eggo in the freezer.
Especially for Rob
Star Wars Auditions
And here's Matt the morning he left for Iraq. Thanks again for the kind words of support.

OMG, I love the Table of Condiments!
And that's a nice pic of Matt. Those fancy posed photos in dress uniform with the flag, etc, are nice too, but there's nothing like a photo that captures a moment in your life.
Be sure to post info on what he needs and how to send it once he's in country!
Found your site while looking for the history of my old Basic training battalion, 2nd 54th INF. I was in Echo Co, 1st PLT in 1993. Later I too went to jump school and FT Bragg. I have been to Iraq too. All my best.
Bunnygirl, PM me on AW and I'll happily give you the wish list he sent me :-)
Thank you for your post red2alpha, I appreciate the visit. Thank you, also, for your service - I read your blog and know what a struggle it is to continue in the face of all that's going on in our world, our government and the leadership in the military.
Let's try this again, maybe without a typo...
That sure is a spiffy toaster!
How many lesbians do I have to create to get one?
Frank, I have no idea, but that's a very good question. I'd guess "a lot"
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