Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Peek-a-boo Grandkitties

Here's Jello playing peek-a-boo in my office.

Here's Pudding a couple hours later doing much the same

Some days don't you wish you were a cat?

I do.


Cookie said...


Frank Baron said...

I'd agree except everybody would call me a pu**y but I suppose if I really was one I wouldn't care - so yeah, okay, me too.


Hilary said...

Besides, he's been called worse and doesn't care. ;)

Gorgeous kitties!

ohdawno said...


Frank, even manly men are allowed to appreciate cute grandkitties. Really.

Thanks, Hilary. You'll back me up on the above to Frank, right? :-)

Hilary said...

Yes, you're right, Dawno. You should see how he plays "tree" for my cat. He's an old softie. :)

T. M. Hunter said...

Being able to nap all day, let someone else clean up your mess, and lick your own privates...

Count me in too...