Thursday, September 03, 2009

He Didn't Get the Memo

Over on John Scalzi's blog, Whatever, John bemoans a cracked molar and wants to know who to blame. My friends and readers know. Yes, all three of you!

Obviously the 'Blame Dawno' PR flacks haven't been doing their job. Not one person has blamed Dawno. It's a sad state of affairs when people don't realize they can rest secure that all their woes (since July 23, 1957 at least) can be blamed on Dawno.


T. M. Hunter said...

Alas, I've been slacking in my #BlameDawno duties as of late...I would accept responsibility for my shortcomings, but then I would be giving up an obvious shot at the chance to #BlameDawno...

ohdawno said...

You are a wise man. I #BlameDawno for that, too.