Saturday, April 01, 2006

Musing upon April 1st

Well it's almost midnight on the West Coast. Pretty soon April Fool's Day will be over here and then entirely when midnight crosses the international date line.

I love April Fool's day - the great fake articles and Google's fun pages (this year's is great, I hope you caught it) I don't even mind getting fooled. I'm back with an edit: the Earth Advisory Status in my side bar says "DESTROYED" heeheeheehee.

My dad used to tell these long drawn out stories that always ended in a horrible pun. And I always sat rapt listening to them - I fell for it every time.

When my son was little my daughter and I would 'neglect' to mention that it was April Fool's day to him. Sometimes he didn't find out all day and when we told him at bedtime he would be a bit upset for a few minutes at missing out on all the pranks he could have pulled, but he would laugh at how we 'got' him.

Yesterday the moderators of Absolute Write tried to set the stage for today by starting an argument about all the moderators that had added 'sparkles' to their avatars. We learned that internet time moves way too fast to start so early in the day (I think the first post was around noon Eastern) because by the time I left work we had been outed and had to eat some crow as there were a number of people quite upset that their moderators were behaving so badly.

Today many of us found our avatars changed to Looney Toons characters. Now that was a great prank!

Anyway, I have been working on animations and sparklings most of the week and didn't post - I always feel like I might be letting someone down if I don't post. I will see about increasing the frequency.

Tomorrow and the rest of next week, are the days I hate the most all year. The 'spring forward' annoys me no end because I've gotten used to there being sunshine at 6 am when I usually get up. Now it won't be sunny for several more weeks and I'll have my morning smoke on a cold dark porch. I don't mind it as much in the winter because the extra hour makes the shorter days take longer to impact me. I do think I may have a touch of SADD because each year around the time we turn our clocks back I start getting more and more morose.

But, I'm cheerful enough today. Life is good and I'm happy.

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Anne C. Watkins said...

Ah, yes, our Loony sides are showing now, aren't they? :D

Dawno, did you know that people who like parrots often develop a condition called 'parrot feet'? I know I'm affected and since you hang around with me, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't come down with it, too......

ohdawno said...

Oh my! I think you're right! We should probably say more about this on our blogs today...

Thumper said...

:::looks for the spraklies:::

soooooo...fell for it, I did...

Anne C. Watkins said...

Oh, this is more serious than I thought. Read my response to you in my blog comments....

Anne C. Watkins said...

Dawno, hurry up and get over to my blog. rofl

Well, hurry as fast as you can with it being a Monday and you being back at work and all. heh. ;)