Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Time Has Almost Arrived

My daughter leaves tomorrow morning for her new home. I will be following them in moving truck. They bought walkie talkies with a 10-mile range. I get to have one of them tomorrow. Joy. We'll stop in L.A. to visit Dad. If we leave early enough we just might miss the worst of the traffic - but I'm not going to bet on either leaving early enough *or* that leaving early will help that much. It's going to be 8 hrs just to get to L.A and then another 3 or 4 to San Diego. We're gonna be wiped out - and that's before they have to move furniture and boxes up stairs to the apartment. Yes, up stairs. ick.

So, I'll be on the road all day tomorrow and all day Monday. Although my hotel will have internet access chances are I'll be too tired to post. Unless something really noteworthy happens and I just have to get it documented for posterity. I'm hoping it will be a very dull drive.

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Thumper said...

:::fingers crossed for a very dull drive:::
(Well, not so dull you fall asleep. That would suck.)

And having recently moved, I can't fathom making that drive and THEN carrying crap up stairs. I would be looking for the nearest teenage boy to ply with cash and Mountain Dew to do all the hard work for me...

ohdawno said...

KPFW - Not much rest or recreation, but I'm very glad I made the trip.

Momma Bunny - My daughter's SailorBeau and his friend did all the heavy lifting - they're young. :-)

My next post will be all about the trials and tribulations I put my self into relating to the trip. Stay tuned...

ohdawno said...

Aaron! My pleasure to visit your site, and I appreciate the return visit. Hope you'll drop by occasionally.